Monday, March 30, 2009

Maddening incoherent babble

Watch this video of Don McLeroy stumble and fumble with exasperation as he tries to save his "strengths and weaknesses" resolution. It is a maddening descent into blathering inanity.

This is a textbook example of creationist talking points. It's all there. Problems with the fossil record? check. Using Darwin quotes out of context? Yup. Repeating the word scientific approximately 32 times? OK even I thought this was a little weird. At one point he says something about how "all of these phyla immediately appear". Apparently 10 million years counts as "immediately all of a sudden". This is not a problem in the fossil record at all and it's unfortunate that it is described as the "Cambrian Explosion" because it gives the layman the wrong impression. By the way he gets the word itself wrong. At one point he says "the phylas are still with us today". Phyla is the plural of phylum. Of course he then proceeds to reference a Time magazine cover. Sheesh.

He then goes on to appropriate Stephen Gould who isn't with us anymore to correct this tool. If you want a clear cut example of the language and dishonestly of the Discovery Institute crowd, this 6 minutes is as good as any.

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