Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Creepy Christian fetishism

Newsweek has a report on the "Holy Land Experience", a bible based theme park in Orlando, Florida. To say this is weird really doesn't quite do it justice. One of the main attractions of the park is a recreation of the crucifixion tale complete with fake blood and an actor playing Jesus nailed to a cross. So amid all the standard trappings of your typical theme park, the $4.00 sodas, cotton candy, and a variety of frozen confections, you get ritual torture and scape goat fetishism.

I honestly have to wonder about the mental stability of a person who would actually go to a place like this for fun. The crucifixion story is not only barbaric in the physical, it's a horrible moral tale. The idea of transferring the wrongs of one person to something else is a common theme in primitive superstitious storytelling. And yet the people watching this somehow find comfort in a god that demands one person be tortured and killed before he grants forgiveness too everyone else.

Creep, creepy, creepy. The intermingling of Jewish and Christian themes also looks an awful lot like the Christian Dominionist style of evangelicalism. I'm sure pastor Hagee would approve.

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