Thursday, May 15, 2008

The silliness of UFO reports

In an attempt to defuse UFO conspiracy theorists, the UK has declassified a large cache of documents concerning various investigations it has conducted over the years. The result? Precisely what you would expect. Many of these sightings had simple, albeit earthly, explanations. Of course this is not enough for news organization like CNN which reports on the matter complete with cut scenes from popular sci-fi movies and an interview with a UFO investigator atop a background of spooky music. Indeed there are some reports that are unexplained. But instead of the the more likely explanations, we get UFO investigator-man declaring that "the truth lies somewhere in these documents". All in all, UFO reports are innocuous. The mystery surrounding most of these generate all sorts of stories, that usually morph into exaggerations and sometimes flights of fancy. But this report is typical of the way media usually covers these stories. Debunkers are rarely interviewed because the news agency doesn't want to be the spoiled sports for the great majority that pine away for the most fantastic story they can imagine.

For my part, I think it far more likely that a discovery of interstellar life will first be simple and probably unicellular and not a super intelligent race of technologically superior little green men.

That's just wild speculation though ;)

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